Friday 3 September 2010

32 Counties and 40 Shades of Green. We're the greatest pair of liggers the world has ever seen.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I humbly introduce you to the last in the series of blogs. This entry will see our adventures wind to a close and see your dashing, if heavily bearded, heroes return to the fair city of their birth, the oldest, the greatest: Waterford.

After uploading the last entry, we ventured along treacherous motorways to Cahir, where we met up with one of our own. A member of team awesome: Anyone.

The bus arrived and she heard our "init whot, init. init. init. BAYYYYYBBBE" imitation before we were seen. Hugs were had and tears were feigned (nah it was good like.) The road was hit again, this time to Cashel we Rocked all over the Rock. It was awesome.

Post Rockage, we tucked into some dinneroni; a speciality dish containing eggs. This was incredibly filling, and it was real strugle no matter how much of a tasty burger it was.... not that burgers have anytthing to do with it.

We let the food settle, then, as you would do when in company... we hit the pub. Predrinking in the hostel was of course an item on the agenda... No matter how classy that might make us.

That night the sleep was mighty.


A stop of utmost importance, given the nature of one of our companions... was to call and visit and see and witness... Ballyporeen. The Ronald Reagan centre is now unfortunatly closed, however his name was enough for the photographs.

The leg of the journey took us to a dangerous place. We were going to Kilkenny TOWN, but the short path saw us dipping our tows in the nectar of Waterford. There was much scream and "NOOOO!!! DONT LOOK AT IT!" when passing the fateful welcome to waterford sign, but stubornness prevailed, and we pushed on to victory.

Kilkenny TOWN! saw us visit the historic Kilkenny Castle and us lazin' on a sunny afternoon in the well tended grass of the TOWN'S!! castle.

After this we struck out north to Ballyragget to meet some more friends of ours. These we going to accompany us for the evening. We caught some more rays, before adjurning to Jenkinstown woods for some frisby, chat and wrestling and deer watching.

From here, it was back to Rallybagget... I know what i said... here, myself and james were free to catch up on all our sleep (and then some) while the inevitable wait for the "young wans" to get ready to go out was indured.

Once the operations were completed and these amature artists and sculptors were satisfied with their self creations and facial mosiacs we again Jacked it to Kilkenny TOWN!!!

In the TOWN!!!! we went to Ivans place, who was very kindly putting us up for the night. And The we went out.

I wont go into too much detail on this. Needless to say there was drinking done, merriment had, and memories lost.


When we eventually roused ourselves from our beds we convoyed to Ballyragget to part our ways with Jess and Rachel before heading through Castlecomer to Carlow Town.

We went straight to the Dinn Ri, check in, and slept. There was a lot of sleeping... it was needed.

Once night had falling, concealing as it does all the blemishes of light we awoke feeling moderatley refreshed if a little hungry.

We had Quiche and Lasagne cold from boxes and were acosted by "little fellas" who wanted to F*ck sh1t up. Luckily they werent too excited by the prospect of being relieved of their shoes so they, like the problem they presented disappeared into the carlow night.


Sleep was had.


We delayed departure as late as possible, got the Welcome to to Wicklow sign then made a phone call.

On the Ray Foley show, they were discussing the heartbreak suffered by parents as they watch their kids go to school for the first time. They requested calls from people in that situation.

Naturally, we rang in.

Our name was Jim and we had a Daughter called Sally. They called us back straight away and we were back on the air.

The confession of who we actuially were didnt go down to well... however hilarity ensued... Check it out, the link is on our Face Book page.

Rolling into Glendalough, we checked into our hostel, the Glendalough Youth Hostel who very kindly sponsored us the cost of the nights accomodation.

We wandered about the round tower before heading off on a drive. We took in Wicklow Point, the most easternly point in the Country of Ireland (not the island), and Avoca... the Avoca village is better known to tv watchers as Ballykissangel. Photos were had then to hostel. We ate and were merry, then we slept.


up early on the final full day of our adventure. It was a sad yet fullfilling moment as we took the very last Welcome to sign... ironically there was a caravan in the background.

In the town itself, The Opera house let us have a wander around the auditorium... we are both professional door operators after all..

Then it was dunbrody, the campile german bombing site, drove to carnsore point for the most South Easternly point in Ireland, then we returned to wexford town.

We were a bit early for check in, so we took a couple of horseboxes in the Wrens Nest Pub... A horsebox is Black Tea with a shot of Captain Morgan and a Slice of Lemon... DO IT! It is delicious.

We checked in to hostel, food, had pints, hostel, movies, and slept for the Last night... we were saving ourselves for our return...


We were up early after our last night, to make our final journeys!

We took to the hook and its famous lighthouse, They very kindly allowed us the run of the place.. and afterwards provided the final shades of green that we required... All challenges were completed and we were on top of the world... if that was only 36m high...

We shtopped by loftus hall, then took ferry to passage, and made our triumphal return to waterford.

We made some rounds, caling to emma and to my place where we picked up Horsebox and hit the town for a shave

Turkish cut throat ultashave. JOB!! I was a bit regretful of the necesity of loosing my furry companion, but iwas after all a neccessary evil.

Post shave we hit Dungarvan. WLRfm was beconing to us. Ian Noctors show welcomed us to the airwaves for one last time... this time Live in the Studio.

We had a great chat and reminissed about the good times and the bad. One day we might be back... what we will be doing for that you ask? well... read on.

Currently, I am back at home, the 32 Counties, 32 Nights adventure is now behind me. There was a total of 3087 miles done on the clock. There was more tourist attractions visited that we even knew existed, 40 shades of green collect, the spiel repeated more times that there are grains of sand on woodstown strand, and more fun had than thought possible.


Our immediate future will see us hit the town for the "Finally Home Party" tonight. Were starting in The Munster Bar at 8... then seeing what happens.

Into the distant future, and possibly other expeditions... We were toying with the idea of 7 continents... 7 weeks...

Itd be a challenge, but I reckon we can Lig the shit out of it.

But for now, I will bid you all farewell. I hope that those of ye that were following, enjoyed the read and I hope to see ye out tonight.

Till next time,

possible expeditions.

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